The First Day, May 7

Posted by Zombie Head | 7:35 AM | 1 comments »

The first day went quite smooth, took a fast today. Went to the Gym in the evening and did 15 minutes of cardiovascular exercise. After that I did some crunches as well.(For the smooth 6 packs :-))

Stats of the day:

What did I eat today?
Cup of Tea in the morning and coffee in the evening.
(Both were with Sugar)

Weight: 72.35 kg
Weight on 6th: 73.90 kg

So I measures around 500g less today :-) It might be 'coz I was empty stomach. I had to watch the readings tomorrow when I'll have something to eat.

Closing on the positive note and looking for the day ahead.

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  1. Admin // May 12, 2008 at 1:33 AM  

    Quite interesting. For getting 6 pack abs, make sure you not only do crunches but also leg raises, and upside down cruches, which are pretty difficult but they are the most effective.
